Leader Spotlight


Nick Nielsen

49 / 69

Grant Awarded 16 October 2008

Nick is the co-founder of the youth empowerment charity, Envision. Over the last 11 years, Envision has grown to work with thousands of young people each year from four offices around the country, helping them to set up their own social and environmental projects and realise that they can make a difference in the world. The projects, tackling a range of issues such as drugs and gang culture, to homelessness and the environment, are outstanding. But more importantly, the impact this has on the young participants and their self-belief and desire to serve is even more profound. Envision was founded as an example that our individual leadership and example is the most powerful tool any of us have in this world, and it’s our responsibility to use it. It was on the basis of this activity that Nick was awarded the Shackleton Foundation Leadership Award.

Award Date: October 2008

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