Support Us

The Shackleton Foundation is funded entirely by voluntary donations. Without this generous support we would be unable to continue our work.
Any support you can give to the Shackleton Foundation will be very much appreciated and fully utilised.

The Shackleton Foundation exists to help the forgotten, the disenfranchised, the vulnerable and the most marginalised young people in the UK today.

We do this by investing in bold, innovative new ventures led by courageous, passionate social entrepreneurs.

Our model is focused, lean and effective: with a start-up award of £15,000 and a package of mentoring and support, we have already helped launch over 68 new social ventures that have touched thousands of young lives and continue to reach many more.

Our ambition is to help many more, by growing to award a total of £100,000 in funding support per year. We generate this money through a mix of fundraising sources, by building relationships with grant-making trusts and foundations, corporates, and individual donors.

Please Support Us By Making A Donation

SCE Bookshop

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Our Supporters

As a grant giver ourselves we are immensely grateful for the support from the organisations and individuals that fund us:

Want to get your company or foundation involved?

Our partners have a huge impact on the projects and leaders they support, making a difference to thousands of lives across the country.

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