Leader Spotlight


Rachael Roser

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Grant Awarded 16 May 2009

Heroes for the Future is a UK not-for-profit organisation that helps young people raise their aspirations by focusing on the stories of heroes. Rachael Roser was given an award by The Shackleton Foundation in 2009 to launch Heroes for the Future, and since then has worked with over 3,000 students across 12 schools. Children enjoy a varied programme of workshops, classwork and the chance to meet a real-life hero. This helps them to think about the kind of adult they would like to be and how to achieve their goals. ‘Heroes for the Future’ works as a collaborative partnership between schools, a group of drama practitioners and inspirational role models, who come together to meet children to talk about their own heroic adventures and/or inspiring careers. Teachers are briefed and given a pack of materials, lesson plans and activities to support the work. This can be used over the course of a single day or can form part of a learning journey which takes place over weeks or months.

Award Date: May 2009

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