Leader Spotlight

Stacy Bradley

Stacy Bradley

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Grant Awarded 9 January 2016

The Smile Organisation is a social enterprise founded by Stacy Bradley. Stacy is a Prince’s Trust National success story who has overcome substantial barriers to transform her life and lives of hundreds of other young people. The Smile Organisation works with unemployed 16-30 year olds across Norfolk to improve their employability skills, increase motivation and assist in securing relevant training and job opportunities. Smile has an emphasis, yet is not limited to, supporting offenders, ex-offenders and those at risk of (re) offending and delivers a service to offenders in custody pending their upcoming release. Smile understands that sustained employment is a key to leading a crime-free life. The Shackleton Leadership Award will enable The Smile Organisation to launch an Employers Campaign to raise awareness of social enterprise, Corporate Social Responsibility and to inspire employers to give young people work experience, jobs and training. The Award will also allow for a funding pot to be available, enabling young people to access emergency financial support which would otherwise jeopardise their chances of securing work.

Award Date: January 2016

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